A customized starting page

21 Jan 2018

2 days ago I started creating a customized starting page for the purpose of staying focused on my goal and priorities whenever I would start by web-browser.

Well, it has quickly evolved. At first it was only a html and css creation with a little bit of javascript to populate the html from an array in which I had stored my priorities.

Then, I added links to those priorities. (the array became an array of objects)

I hosted the page on github, as suggested by Amrit Pandey.

After that, I started to make it customizable, so that anybody could use it.

I divided the page as such: the user settings (name, main goal, deadline) and the user priorities.

I’ve wordked on enabling user settings cutomizations, and I added a storing function (in the local storage, so the settings will stay there every time the user refreshes or quit the page and comes back to it.

Tomorrow I’ll do the same with the user priorities.

It’s fun!!! It helps me understand things I’ve learned in the Mobile web development course. I’m grateful for this experience.