So, I’m finally updating my syntax to ES6.
First, what’s ES6?
it means: ECMA Script Edition 6. Aka ES2015 becasuse it was released in June 2015. ECMA is a standard for script languages. Such as JavaScript.
Oh ok.
But what’s ECMA?
It stands for European Computer Manufacturers Association It elaborates standards, not only for script languages, but also for, among many other things:
- Office Open XML
- telecommunication standards
- optical medias
So it was about time I seriously learned about it!
Below are several commented examples to study arrows.
Yes, I had fun writing some of those examples. I think playing is very important when you’ve got to learn something.
The old way:
const plusTwo = [1, 2, 3].map(function(num){
return num + 2;
//console.log(plusTwo); //[3, 4, 5]
The new way:
//Arrows: forget the curly brackets!!!
const plus3 = [1, 2, 3].map(
num => num + 3
//console.log(plus3); //[4, 5, 6]
Self Quiz: write that filter function using arrow syntax:
const animalzzz = ['cat', 'tortoise', 'fly', 'dragonfly', 'human', 'boa'];
//const short = names.filter(function(name) {
// return name.length > 6;
const short2 = animalzzz.filter(
name => name.length < 4
//console.log(short2); //['cat, 'fly', 'boa']
Storing arrow function in a variable
only ONE parameter
const truth = name => console.log(`${name}, you are wonderful.`);
//use BACKTICKS!!!
truth('Aurelie');//awwwww thank you!!!!
zero paramesters or parameters >= 2 parameters : use parentheses
const insist = () => console.log('I mean it.');
insist(); //stop it!
const alas = (name, forbidden) => console.log(`${name}. You know you can't have ${forbidden}`);
//BACKTICKS. Use backticks when you're doing those madlibs.
alas('Aurelie', 'pizza'); //why are you so mean?
Are you already missing curly brackets? Here they are again!
use them for “body block syntax” = when you have more that one line of code in your function.
const alternative = (option1, option2) => { //the curls are here!!!
option2 = option2.toUpperCase();
console.log(`But you can have ${option1}, and what's more, ${option2}!!!`);
alternative('endive salad', 'keto burgers');
//yeah sure but it's not the same...I miss pizza.
That’s all folk! Happy new year!