I hope Santa brought you lots of fun presents.
I’m feeling better. Yesterday I solved a few challenges on Codingame and started their Coders Strike Back competition.
Today: more Codingame, aaaand I’m back on empireofcode.
I solved the Triangle Angles challenge on empireofcode!!! And I must say this is no little thing for me because I haven’t done math like this in ages.
So I learned about the different triangle types and then cosinus and tangent and how to convert them to degrees…
My code NEEDS refactoring. (especially for the cosinus things.) But it’s a start and I’m happy! :) I’m saving it here:
input : the length of 3 segments
output: in ascending order, the angles if it's a triangle. Else, output [0, 0, 0]
function angles(a, b, c){
function checkRec(x, y, z) {
if (Math.pow(x, 2) === Math.pow(y, 2) + Math.pow(z, 2)){
return true;
return false;
function calcRectAngles(opposite, adjacent){
var myTan = Math.atan(opposite/adjacent);
var angle1 = myTan * (180 / Math.PI);
angle1 = Math.round(angle1);
var angle2 = 180 - 90 - angle1;
console.log(angle1, angle2);
var result = [];
result.push(90, angle1, angle2);
result.sort(function (a, b){
return a - b;
return result;
// sort sides in descending order
var sortedLength = [];
for (var i = 0; i <arguments.length; i++) {
sortedLength.sort(function (a,b) {
return b -a;
//rule out non-triangle cases.
var triangle = ( a + b > c) && (a + c > b) && (c + b > a);
if (!triangle){ //not a triangle
return [0, 0, 0];
//so it's a triangle. What sort of triangle?
else { //equilateral
if (a === b && a === c && b === c) {
return [60, 60, 60];
if (checkRec(sortedLength[0], sortedLength[1], sortedLength[2])) {
return calcRectAngles(sortedLength[1], sortedLength[2]);
//ok now we need to calculate for scalene I think? three different sides, three different angles.
if (sortedLength[0] !== sortedLength[1] && sortedLength[0] !== sortedLength[2] && sortedLength[1] !== sortedLength[2]){
var cosA = ((-Math.pow(sortedLength[2], 2)) + Math.pow(sortedLength[1], 2) + (Math.pow(sortedLength[0], 2))) / (2 * sortedLength[1] * sortedLength[0]);
var cosB = (Math.pow(sortedLength[2], 2) - Math.pow(sortedLength[1], 2) + Math.pow(sortedLength[0], 2)) / (2 * sortedLength[0] * sortedLength[2]);
var angle1 = (Math.acos(cosA))* (180 / Math.PI);
angle1 = Math.round(angle1);
var angle2 = (Math.acos(cosB)) * (180 / Math.PI);
angle2 = Math.round(angle2);
var angle3 = 180 - angle1 - angle2;
var result = []
result.push(angle1, angle2, angle3)
result.sort(function (a, b) {
return a - b;
return result;
//Ok what if it's isocele?
if (sortedLength[0] === sortedLength[1] && sortedLength[0] !== sortedLength[2]) {
//considering the smallest side is ONLY sortedLength[2]!!! BEWARE.
if (sortedLength[1] === sortedLength[0]) {
var cosA = (sortedLength[2]/2) / sortedLength[0]
var angle1 = (Math.acos(cosA))* (180 / Math.PI);
angle1 = Math.round(angle1);
var angle2 = 180 - (angle1 * 2);
return [angle2, angle1, angle1]
else if (sortedLength[1] === sortedLength[2]) {
var cosA = (sortedLength[0]/2) / sortedLength[2]
var angle1 = (Math.acos(cosA))* (180 / Math.PI);
angle1 = Math.round(angle1);
var angle2 = 180 - (angle1 * 2);
return [angle1, angle1, angle2]
//uncomment to test:
//angles(395, 295, 295);